Now in its 27th Year!

It's no secret that Saskatchewan is ripe with amazing artists of every variety.

Reflections of nature

Each year our special committee assembles some of this province’s most talented creators to display their work in a gallery that celebrates prairie life, outdoor living, and the nature that surrounds us. 

The GardenScapes Art Show & Sale features the works of many talented Saskatchewan based artists in the disciplines of:

• Painting

• Photography

• Sculpting

• Crafting

• And much, much more!

Some exhibitors will also offer their works for sale so this is a great opportunity to own a piece of original Saskatchewan art. 

Browse, collect, and enjoy!


Become An Art Show Exhibitor!

The GardenScapes Art Show & Sale features Saskatchewan artists and works of art that have a floral, garden, or landscape theme.


You are invited to participate in the 26th annual GardenScape Art Show and Sale to be held during Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape, March 22 – 24, 2024 at Prairieland.  

On average, Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape attracts in excess of 17,800 people annually from across the province and western Canada.  Participation in this show will provide artists with an opportunity to display and sell their works to a diverse audience.